The Will: Predestination & Free Will: Part 3

Free Will? I recently watched as two outdoors men attempted to free an adult bull elk from a mud pit. These are enormous animals. His entire rear half was submerged and the mud was so think he had no hope of getting out. This was going to be the bull’s final resting place. The men approached cautiously and began to try to free the huge animal. However, as soon as they got close, the elk would swing his rack at them. The elk didn’t want them there, didn’t understand why they were there, and was actively attempting to defend himself with his antlers. The elk was simply operating freely according to his elk-ish nature. They are by nature wild animals and humans are an unwanted presence. The elk wanted to be freed from his muddy chains but he only wanted rescue on his own terms. The men did not abide by the elk’s wishes but worked together using various implements until the elk was rescued from its pit of despair. This was n...