
Showing posts from May, 2019

Fully Known

My daughter has a beautiful singing voice and recently attended a concert by Tauren Wells, former lead singer of the band Royal Tailor.   He’s a dynamite vocalist and can float through scales effortlessly.   In one of his songs “Known” he writes the following lyrics, “It's so unusual it's frightening - You see right through the mess inside me - And you call me out to pull me in - You tell me I can start again - And I don't need to keep on hiding - I'm fully known and loved by You .” I love the song and the words.   Without sounding like a dictionary, Wells defines what being known means – and that is something far more significant than knowing things about someone.   Celebrities and pro athletes have relayed the challenges of being famous, having millions of adoring fans, but feeling entirely alone.   This is evidenced further by the suicides of famous people like Heath Ledger, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, and many others who are surround...

Did NT Writers Know They Were Writing Scripture?

On August 2 nd , 1939 mathematician Albert Einstein wrote a personal letter to then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.   Einstein could see the writing on the wall as he reviewed research being conducted by German scientists.   In the letter he warned the United States President that if German research continued, they would develop a process by which a “nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium” would result.   In other words, an atom bomb. He did not understand the gravity of his words at that time but it was those very words that caused the president to immediately demand the US take action.   The next actions resulted in the Manhattan Project, the development of our own atomic bomb, and the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 which castrated Japan and Germany ending World War II.  Albert Einstein’s letter is the way many people believe New Testament writers wrote the scriptures.  Many people mistakenly believe that when th...

Compelled to Worship: Omnipotence

Oldest lighthouse in Scotland OMNIPOTENCE Several decades ago there was an epic show called Star Trek. It was widely viewed by millions every week as the space ship Enterprise would go boldly where no man had ever gone before.   As with many shows, they get misquoted and then the misquote receives the most attention in history – but it didn’t even happen… One of these quotes occurs in "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" where actor Jim Carrey speaks into the camera saying, “I can’t do it Captain. I don’t. Have. The power!” Supposedly this was a rip off from ship master Scotty in Star Trek but interestingly Scotty never made the quote. However, Jim Carrey’s misquote retained all the attention. What does this have to do with God’s omnipotence? Not much – but that the simple sentiment is something we can all relate to.   There are many things we wish we could do but for which we lack the power.   We’d like to cure poverty, hunger, war, disease, and Washington DC...